Wednesday 30 November 2011

Abby Lee Miller of Dance Moms is a Child Molestor

(Legal notice: Evidence is provided under the 'evidence' section of this article).
When men get kids to do inappropriate sexual things, it's obvious they're molesting children.

When women do it, people are too often willing to give the benefit of the doubt. But if a man was running a "dance" studio, made little girls not only dress in skimpy costumes (that bit's common for dance) but also GYRATE SEXUALLY and openly admitted that the dance was MEANT TO BE SEXY AND HOT and the little girls were told to behave in a sexual way that "LOOKED LIKE THEY WERE 17" and even told to SPANK THEIR BUTT - and then any parent who tried to discuss their concerns was met with anger and manipulation - and the man said "THE KIDS LIKE IT" (as child molesters do in relation to little kids having sex with them), it'd be a classic example of a child molester. THE SAME APPLIES WHEN IT'S A WOMAN.

So it's pretty obvious that Abby Lee Miller is a child molester, or at "best" a paedophile attracted to kids but not yet acting on it by molestation - instead getting kids to gyrate sexually for her personal pleasure.

Look at this video on EU Links: (skip to the parts where the girls are wearing the skimpy blue/turquoise costumes).

This woman should not be allowed anywhere near children. She even, as child molesters do, uses the excuse that the children like it. Of course they do! They don't know it's wrong! Children also like sex according to child molesters - that is, until they find out it's wrong and start feeling abused.

The fact she has had dance success is irrelevant. Many child molesters have been successful at various things - magistrates, "great" schoool teachers, and people from other walks of life have molested kids. If the Moms on Dance Moms really cared for their kids, they would stop bickering, and join together for their kids' sake - and take their kids out of there and demand their money back. Any parent who sends their kid to this sicko's dance school is encouraging a child molester.

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